Homeopathy & Post herpetic neuralgia
PART ONE in an ongoing, seven year case study of homeopathic prescribing in chronic disease
Herpes zoster (aka shingles) typically affects people over fifty and mainly attacks the intercostal nerves,1 intercostal neuralgia is a major complication that is difficult to control.2 George Guess M.D, presenting five cases of resolved acute herpes zoster, demonstrates there is never, ever a one size fits all homeopathic medicine.3 Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a rare neurological complication of the reactivated latent herpes zoster virus.4
The following is the first appointment (Mar 2017) of a sixty year old woman who was unable to work due to ongoing, intermitting, but daily, residual intercostal neuralgia which began with a Left sided intercostal nerve herpes zoster in 2015 while over-working to recoup over-stretched finances after significant financial loss to a trusted friend - felt 'angry & betrayed'.
Diagnosis - intercostal nerve herpes zoster.
Conventional Medical Prescriptions - One dose of steroids administered during the first week of intercostal nerve herpes zoster appearance - felt' ‘it didn't do much.’ Had refused the G.P prescribed antiviral medication for over two years.
Modalities - Worse: MOTION; left side; change of position; stretching; touch; eating wheat or dairy products; black tea.
- Better: upon waking from sleep first thing in the morning; laying still; resting.
Frequency of appearance - Pain intermits throughout the day.
Description of pain - Tender, twinging at herpes zoster eruption site (left sided intercostal).
Historic Left sided intercostal nerve herpes zoster pains described as: Sudden stabbing pain as if by a knife. As if a spear went through me and got stuck. In and out pain. Bruised pain in rib at site of eruption. Whole body felt hot.
Other complaints - Intermittent pain under left foot <<walking long distances.
Sciatic pain of left side << exercising.
Ridged, yellow nail left hallux (great toe).
Occasional abdominal swelling with accidental consumption of wheat or dairy.
Unsure, but assumes all 1950 / 60's childhood vaccines were administered
Does not recall any sickness or fever during her whole life
Dental / facial trauma, blood loss resulting in iron deficiency anemia (age 8)
Gave birth to three children (age 20-26)
Copper 7 IUD contraceptive (age 27)
Significant financial loss to a trusted friend and business partner in 2014 'we were lied to'
Family Medical History -
Mother; Hypothyroidism, type II diabetes, coronary stent
Sisters; (2) - Hypothyroidism
Maternal grandfather; Type II diabetes
Sensitive to cold - my nose, feet, hands, buttocks get cold. Aversion to windy weather.
Vegetarian. Intolerance to gluten & dairy. Prefer room temperature water, never with ice cubes. Flatulence from dried fruit.
Mental and emotional symptoms
A spiritual mindset, 'all happens as it should'.
Our lady belongs to Level 1 - Group A having limited susceptibility to acute diseases, being seldom sick (Levels of Health (Pp63)5 - doesn't remember sickness or fever during her life.
Level 1 is also evidenced by the crystal clear symptomatology (Pp43).
When placed under extraordinary stress 'significant financial loss' these individuals may collapse into deep pathology within a short period (Pp94).
I suspect the initial dose of steroids interfered greatly to hinder this lady's vital force from fully expressing the herpes zoster, as evidenced by the very slight surface eruption and three years post herpetic neuralgia.

(4) Tender, twinging, bruised pain Left intercostal (site of shingles eruption three years' prior)
(4) <Motion
(4) >Laying still, resting
(2) <Change of position, stretching, touch
(2) <Eating wheat or dairy products
(1) <Black tea
(1) 'As if a spear went through me and got stuck'
(1) 'In and out pain'
(1) Sciatic pain of left side << exercising
(1) Sudden stabbing pain as if by a knife
(1) Intermittent pain under left foot
(1) Sensitive to cold
(1) Ridged, yellow nail left hallux
Differentiation of remedies
Bryonia - motion aggravates is a great characteristic and grand keynote. Fear of poverty is a keynote, a possible aetiology of the herpes zoster was significant financial loss and resulting period of hard work, alongside possible causations of anger, chagrin, and suppressed eruptions.6
Ranunculus bulbosus- Intercostal neuralgia particularly of the lower left chest - chest pains worse motion, touch herpes zoster of left chest. Post herpetic neuralgia.7
Rhus toxicodenron- indicated in herpes zoster (shingles) but with the keynote general amelioration from motion.8
Spigelia- Almost exclusively left sided and indicated in neuralgia of all kinds, with severe piercing, sharp pains.9
Remedy …
Potency …
Regimen …
I am keen to hear your thoughts on the prescription & posology for this case - give it some study - and send your conclusions through to sapenrose@protonmail.com if you wish, as every case whether our own or the work of another - provides golden learning opportunities!
I also encourage you to read the papers of George Guess M.D, and Bhakta & Dutta (references 3 and 4) as herpes zoster is increasingly common and no doubt you have, or soon will see, your own cases to successfully work through. Knowledge is power, right?!
Keep an eye on your inbox for PART TWO which will also contain the prescription & posology of Part one.
Thank you very much for your paid subscription and your support of my work! It means more than you know, truly.
Happy Reading! Oh, and wishing you a very happy and successful New Year too.
Sapere aude, Sarah Penrose.
Hu J, Zhong LZ, Li TT, Jia QY, Li HM. 2022. [Study of risk factors of postherpetic neuralgia]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2022 Nov 1;102(40):3181-3185. Chinese. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36319171/
Chen SM, Chen JT, Kuan TS, Hong CZ. 1998. Myofascial trigger points in intercostal muscles secondary to herpes zoster infection of the intercostal nerve. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Mar;79(3):336-8. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9523788/
Guess G. 2023. The Homeopathic Approach to the Treatment of Acute Herpes Zoster. Altern Ther Health Med. Jul;29(5):90-96. Available from: http://alternative-therapies.com/oa/index.html?fid=7763
Bhakta P, Dutta A. 2023. Homeopathic Treatment of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: A Case Report. Complement Med Res. Sep 1. Available from: https://karger.com/cmr/article-abstract/doi/10.1159/000533849/862348/Homeopathic-Treatment-of-Ramsay-Hunt-Syndrome-A?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Vithoulkas, G. Levels of Health, The second volume of the Science of Homoeopathy, revised edition. Alonissos: International Academy of Classical Homoeopathy; 2017. Pp63.
Morrison, R. 1993. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Grass Valley. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing.
Morrison, R. 1993. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Grass Valley. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing.
Morrison, R. 1993. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Grass Valley. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing.