According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, worldwide one in five people suffer with moderate or strong chronic pain, which renders one in three incapable, or hardly capable, of leading an independent life. One in four state pain interferes with or destroys their relations with family and friends.1
In 2004, the International Association for the Study of Pain, the World Health (Holocaust!) Organization, and the European Federation of IASP Chapters held the first Global Day against Pain to promote pain relief as a human right - “treatment of pain and palliative care form an integral part of the right to enjoy good health.”2
Meta analysis (2022) found homeopathic Arnica produced small effect (just shy of significance) across a series of 18 placebo-controlled trials and is equal to conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of postoperative pain, swelling, and functional limitations.3
Still cited by some as the most robust homeopathy trial to date the 2004 Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia patients treated with individualized homeopathic remedies versus placebo double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial showed significantly greater improvements (treatment arm) in:
tender point count and tender point pain
quality of life
global health
trend toward less depression.
Chronic Pain and Homeopathy has been tested via Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials in Cervical spondylitis; Lumbar monosegmental spinal sequestrectomy; Plantar fasciitis; Dysmenorrhea; Chronic low back pain; Endometriosis(study); and Chronic low back pain due to Osteoarthritis(study).4
Lipman AG. Pain as a human right: the 2004 Global Day Against Pain. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2005;19(3):85-100. PMID: 16219619.
Gaertner et al., 2021. Is Homeopathic Arnica Effective for Postoperative Recovery? A Meta-analysis of Placebo-Controlled and Active Comparator Trials. Front Surg. Dec 17;8:680930. Available from
My pain stems from psoriatic arthritis from a vaccination against"polio" in 1963. I have tried many things, many protocols, mental work, physical work and nothing has yet come close to what cannabis provides for Me.
I have a video I did a while back when I could get through the pain of making videos:
Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min):
Not sure what I can do or afford.